says, akhir nye balik jugak kat ipoh nih, setelah cuti hari tu..pergh, punye la excited nk balik rumah punye psl...sbb nk gune internet, nk membace dan melihat..
bace komik, bace blog, melihat FB, melihat ape je.
.namun begitu, kepulangan ku ke tanah ipoh nih bukan setakat ngan tangan yang kosong, tapi dengan homework nye..haish, spoil cuti tul.....sabo je la..
says me self....since me had coming home..first thing to come, how would be my friend?? are they okay? are they still same as before..same as me not leaving to MRSM?? sume soalan tu berlegar dalam kepala dan hati..but, to say, a lot of it has change..huu, sedih gak biler sume perkara dah berubah..well, all knowing that things change, people change, time change..
jadi, what the story for me?? tetibe terdetik nk buat post the title show the main focus of what i'm saying,
hanya kata hati yg ingin meluahkan ape yg terbuku, rase sedih dan sunyi, kerana perubhan masa, perubahan dunia, perubhan manusia...mmg byk perkara yg sentiasa akan berubah, tk dinafikan apatah lagi di sangkal kan..tapi, apakah perubahan tu menuju kebaikan?? itu menjadi persoalan..namun yg pasti, dugaan sentiasa ade, dan setiap yg berlaku tu ade hikmah nye...jadi apa yg mampu seorang hamba ALLAH yg kerdil yg menaip post ni mampu lakukan ialah bertawakal dan sentiasa berusaha dan tidak berputus asa dalam menghadapi dugaan dunia nih..
at last to type or to say..
.i cannot do everything, but at least i can do something,
i wanna change the world but first i must change
i want everyone to acknowledge me, but i must never give up
i want my friend to always side to me, but i must first always be next to them
i don't want my friend to lose me, so i must not lose my friend..
and for that, i'm not gonna losing them all..